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Accident Causes on the Most Dangerous Roads in Florida

Car Accidents
Rear end accident between two cars


While many people are scared to drive on hilly or snow-covered roads, the Sunshine State is actually the home of some of the deadliest roads in the country, according to traffic statistics maintained by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and other organizations. So, if mountains and winter weather are not the most significant problems, what are the leading causes of car accidents?

Our Pensacola car accident lawyer explains factors that frequently lead to accidents on Florida’s most dangerous roads. Be aware of these factors, and your knowledge could help you avoid becoming another sad statistic.

Some of the Problems Our Pensacola Car Accident Lawyer Sees with Interstate 10

The interstate highway system was designed to allow traffic to travel safely at high speeds. But the traffic engineers envisioned mid-way through the last century is nothing like the roads we drive on today. The vast difference in size between today’s cars and commercial trucks leads to various problems, particularly on interstates such as I-10.

But I-10 also has some unique problems not seen on other interstate highways. Throughout the country, including stretches in Florida, I-10 is notorious for median crossover accidents caused by a lack of proper barriers. These accidents are particularly deadly because vehicles collide head-on. At Searcy Denney, our Pensacola car accident lawyer frequently sees median crossover cases resulting from one driver being distracted or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Several Factors May Combine to Cause an Accident

Often, a car accident causes a “perfect storm” of elements occurring at the same time. Factors that frequently cause accidents on dangerous roads in Florida include:

  • Aggressive driving such as tailgating
  • Glare from sunlight that impairs driver vision
  • Slick road conditions (rain or sometimes ice)
  • Obstructed or missing road signs
  • Tire blowouts caused by potholes or other hazards
  • Drivers not paying attention to the road
  • Mechanical malfunctions in vehicles or traffic signals

Many times, these hazardous conditions could have been prevented if only someone had acted responsibly. When another person’s negligence causes you to suffer in a collision, a Pensacola car accident lawyer could help you obtain compensation to offset the effects.

Protect Yourself While Driving on Dangerous Roads

One of the most significant factors that makes a road dangerous is the traffic flow on that road. Therefore, one way to protect yourself on dangerous roads is to try to schedule your trips for times when traffic is lighter. Driving when visibility is better can also protect you on dangerous roads. If you have little choice but to drive when glare, darkness, or other problems reduce visibility, you can help protect yourself by: 

  • Wearing polarized sunglasses during the day
  • Keeping your windshield clean
  • Maintaining your headlights
  • High rates of traffic
  • Using tools to reduce glare (including your sun visor and rear view mirror glare protections)

A car accident lawyer in Pensacola knows other drivers’ negligence causes many accidents, so try to anticipate others’ actions whenever possible.

Our Pensacola Car Accident Lawyer Will Investigate the Cause of a Collision

It is not always clear why a car crash occurred. An experienced Pensacola car accident lawyer could investigate the cause of a collision and determine who could be held liable. If you were in a car accident, contact us now to learn more about how we could help you recover.  We also help accident victims in Fort Walton and Tallassee.

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