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Author: EDenney

Big Trucks and the Romance of the Open Road


Truck vs passenger car accidents always end in a disaster in which the people in the car are the losers. The crashes are disasters, which almost always cause catastrophic death and destruction. There was a time I remember when truck drivers were called the “knights of the road”? They had […]

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Light the Road to a Cure


For these past many years, I have had the privilege and pleasure to be involved with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. This charity funds research to find a cure for leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma. These are a series of blood cancers affecting one person every four minutes. In […]

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A Tragedy to Remember


This is a story about Bill and Helen. They were not famous people; they did not live an extravagant life; and they loved life as much as any of us. I imagine they were two nice, kind people who, after many years of marital union, still loved each other quite […]

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A Time for Change


I am what you would call the elder of our firm; although I prefer to think of myself as the excitable sage. In either event, I have reached that level of “experience” at which my partners allow a certain amount of my opinion to be disseminated to pretty much anyone […]

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What is in a Lawsuit?


Once upon a time there was an insurance crisis…a lawsuit crisis…a medical malpractice crisis…a series of crisis manufactured by industries who have a need for consumers to have someone other than them to blame. The insurance industry, the healthcare industry, Associated Industries — the business of business organizations; they all […]

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"Beauty Is In The Eye of The Beholder"


A cosmetic surgeon once told me that anorexia nervosa was not a disease in this country until the fashion industry made “thin” good. The look of a Renoir  is that for which women used to dream. Now we see news labelling certain States as the 1st most obese, the second, […]

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A Memorable Lesson


As an attorney, I am accustomed to cautionary tales after the fact, in the wake of tragedies that might have been avoided. If only someone had known, I think. If only someone had behaved differently, I say. What follows is a short story that can, and does, happen to anyone, […]

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Protecting Our Precious Children


Our greatest asset is our children. As parents, we strive to provide them with the safest and healthiest environment possible. We spend a great deal of time researching the schools they will attend, including the daycare centers where we leave our toddlers for the better part of five days a […]

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Simply My Opinion


Let me first tell you that I am new to this blogging thing. I am one of the senior partners here at this firm; some would say emphasis on “senior”. I have spent the better part of my life fighting for injured victims and I now realize that my country […]

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Hear What Our Clients Have To Say

"Cannot say enough about Mr. Ward and his team. Joanna and Mr. Ward helped me through a very difficult time while being extremely professional and prompt. I would highly recommend."
Posted By: Samantha Saundry