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Author: SearcyLaw

Drug Marketing Direct to Consumers


The Food & Drug Administration has recently notified Eli Lilly & Co. and Bayer Healthcare that it has objections to ads used for some of their drugs. For Eli Lilly, it was print advertisements for its depression drug, Cymbalta. Print ads used on WebMD Little Blue Book; a publication to […]

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Race for a Cure for Breast Cancer


Breast Cancer. It strikes over 187,000 people every year; mostly women between the ages of 40 and 59. Over 40,000 women die from breast cancer yearly. Breast cancer in one of the ten leading causes of death for women. Breast cancer is a family disease — it affects the whole […]

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Defective Tire Valve Stems Are Dangerous


You may recall last year when several accidents and a couple deaths happened as a result of some defective tires manufactured by Chinese companies. Now, there are reports of bad valve stems manufactured by…you guessed it, a Chinese manufacturer. A recall has been issued involving some six million valve stems. […]

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Big Tobacco and Bags of Money


You just have to love Big Tobacco. Produce a product you know kills people; hide or deflect all the information that would alert the public of the totality of the dangers; engineer nicotine delivery in a way that maximizes addiction and write memos talking about the whole scheme as if […]

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Victims Without a Voice — Wyeth’s Premarin


Wyeth’s marketing “revolution” called Premarin has been proved responsible for the deaths and injury to women across the country. In documents released in court litigation, Wyeth demonstrates absolute giddiness over their “revolution” to sell, sell, sell Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) to all women everywhere. What Wyeth and other HRT manufacturers […]

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Desperate Ashes


“What is called resignation is confirmed desperation.” Henry Thoreau. Things must be tough for Big Tobacco; 8000 plaintiffs, so much truth, so little defense. As I have previously written, I felt Florida would be a little too hot for those boardroom lawyers representing Big Tobacco and it appears I may […]

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Lives Saved and Lives Lost. Lady Justice Catching Up


It is clear that the decline of hormone therapy use has saved lives. Recently released research from the University of Wisconsin puts the number of women who will be spared invasive breast cancer this year at 6,000. Based on the study done by the Women’s Health Initiative, the numbers of […]

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Toys for Tots Upcoming Events


In the Palm Beach County area, numerous events are scheduled to support the Toys for Tots effort. Below are some of those scheduled in the near future. Drop off locations in the Palm Beach County area include the businesses kind enough to be able to provide their businesses for this […]

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A Season for Children


I wish every child slept in a bed and had a chimney from which to hang stockings. I wish every child dreamed of sugar-plums dancing. I wish every child could imagine that chubby and plump figure driving out of sight into the wintry air. I wish every child could hear […]

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Hear What Our Clients Have To Say

"Every question that I had was answered in mere minutes and the follow through that the staff, secretaries and attorneys had was superior. I have dealt with many, many firms that have all disappointed me and Searcy Denney was by far the most thorough - I highly recommend them!"
Posted By: Susan Baker