I returned from being out of town for work for most of the week, tired from traveling across the country, when my cell phone rang. I answered to hear the high-pitched, somewhat squeaky, but excited voice of Hannah Sames say, “I’m getting injected!” Those three simple words are ones those […]
Twelve years have passed since two 20-something sisters died in a rented PT Cruiser that had an open recall for a defective power-steering hose. At the time, the Budgets, Enterprises and Hertzes of the United States were not required to repair vehicles in their fleets prior to leasing them. […]
Presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, to establish his bona fides with conservatives, has released a list of eleven potential Supreme Court nominees. He added, with typical understatement: “If Hillary Clinton, for some reason, wins, your country will never be the same because she’s going to put disasters in the […]
The Seventh Amendment to the U. S. Constitution states: “In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, […]
The party receiving discovery requests in litigation has the job of trying to understand the locations of potentially responsive data and documents; determining the identity of key custodians; and determining the most efficient and cost effective method for collection. The requesting party has as complicated job. For discovery requests to […]
Over the last 20+ years that I’ve been a lawyer, I have represented many injured victims who experienced closed-head injuries, many with associated trauma to the brain and resulting in permanent brain injury. The cause of the head trauma they experienced varies, ranging from falls from an elevated construction scaffolding […]
You have seen it. You have dodged it and… You have been nearly injured by it. Dangerous road debris on I95 and other major roadways. It is dangerous to drivers and as 22-year-old Holden Armory has learned the hard way, road debris can be nearly lethal. This young, talented musician […]
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has long been praised by Republicans as the model of judicial restraint, a proponent of strict adherence to the literal wording of the United States Constitution. Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan argues that Justice Scalia “did more to advance originalism and judicial restraint […]
More-often-than-not, when meeting with a new client for the first time, I am asked about the chances that their case will go all the way to a trial. The odds that any case will resolve through a jury verdict is very low. The vast majority of personal injury claims (greater […]
A new Florida law governing the use of body cameras by law-enforcement agencies has gone into effect, requiring top brass to establish guidelines for the training of officers and use of the devices, as well as the retention of recorded videos. Gov. Rick Scott signed the bill introduced in August […]