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Herbal Product Contamination and Toxicity


With Nearly 47 million Americans or 16 percent of the population without health insurance, many are flocking to health food stores to either supplement or replace expensive prescription medication with herbal medicine. Advertising tells us that “natural” is better and “herbal” is safer. Why put “drugs” in your body when […]

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The Sunset of PIP—The Rise of the Insurance Lobby


In reflection, one might legitimately ask the question:” has the adoption of the Florida Motor Vehicle No Fault Law in 1971 really achieved the goals it was intended for?” If we simply accept the decision to do away with what we familiarly know as “PIP” (personal injury protection), then the […]

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Seat Belt Use Falling in Florida


A recent survey found a decline in the number of Florida drivers and passengers buckling up. This trend concerns me since I know from first hand experience that safety belts save lives. One saved mine. When I was a twenty-year old college student, I was in a horrific crash. A […]

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Big Tobacco–Not Feeling the Love in the Sunshine State


First it was the Engle case. You may remember that this is the case in which the Florida Supreme Court vacated a punitive damage verdict against Big Tobacco in the amount of $145.8 billion. The Supreme Court, however, also ruled that thousands of Florida smoking victims could file individual lawsuits […]

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The “Wrongful Death Act” in Florida


There are few things we as people endure that are worse than losing a member of our family. The sense of loss, hurt, and anguish, however, is only magnified when a family member’s death was due to the negligence of someone else. What all-too-often causes even more heartache is the […]

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Dangerous Toys


There has been a significant amount of press about recalls of toys that contain illegal levels of lead paint. These recalls have hit a chord with the public, because it underscores the fact that products for our children made by even the most well known companies are being manufactured in […]

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Expanding the role of the Pharmacist?


According to an October 1, 2007, USA Today article, federally funded health centers are piloting a program that allows pharmacists more “hands on” patient care. In fact, in this program, the focus of the pharmacist is not limited to the actual filling of prescriptions, but now has expanded to ordering […]

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The Forgotten Child


Today, more than ever, safety sells. And major automakers such as Ford, GM and Honda, have raced to launch safety-for-all ad campaigns or make announcements that a new safety feature will be standard on all models. But one population has been consistently left out of manufacturers’ plans for improved safety: […]

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"Cannot say enough about Mr. Ward and his team. Joanna and Mr. Ward helped me through a very difficult time while being extremely professional and prompt. I would highly recommend."
Posted By: Samantha Saundry