While men are more likely than women to be involved in car accidents, new data from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) indicate that women are more likely to suffer serious or fatal injuries on a per-crash basis when adjusting for various factors. Notably, the IIHS reports that this […]
Spinal cord injuries (SCI) can have several life-altering effects. These effects include compromising spinal cord injury patients’ bladder control. As the National Association for Continence (NAFC) explains: “A spinal cord injury may interrupt communication between the nerves in the spinal cord that control bladder and bowel function and the brain, […]
There is no question that seatbelts save lives. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that seatbelts have saved more than 370,000 lives over the past 50 years, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) write that, “Among drivers and front-seat passengers, seat belts reduce the risk […]
Car accidents present several injury risks. For individuals who have breast implants, one of these injury risks is the risk of a breast implant rupture. Breast implant ruptures typically require surgery, and this presents its own set of risks for potential complications. Breast implant ruptures can also cause significant pain […]
Car accidents are an everyday occurrence on roads across Florida. Each year, there are hundreds of thousands of crashes statewide, which translates to more than 100 crashes every single day. With the number of car accidents in Florida each year, we can see some trends start to emerge—and studying these […]
When seeking financial compensation after a commercial truck accident, you need to be able to establish a legal basis for liability. In most cases, this legal basis is “negligence.” Under Florida law, negligent parties are liable for the consequences of their mistakes, and victims of negligence can recover full compensation […]
For almost 45 years, the attorneys at Searcy Denney have worked with Florida clients who have suffered an injury. Over the years, we’ve become aware of many misconceptions that may cause victims to feel hesitant about contacting a lawyer. For instance, they may feel skeptical about working with an attorney […]
Getting into an accident can be a shocking incident, especially at first. Dealing with the ramifications of an accident and addressing your injuries can be overwhelming. Nonetheless, know that help is available. In Florida, when an accident occurs causing personal injuries, Florida law allows the injured party to hold the […]
It’s amazing how one small action of someone can lead to a cascade of bigger consequences. One wrong lane change could be the catalyst in a multi-vehicle accident. One slick curve on a rainy day could be the culprit of a newsworthy accident. One car turned left from a shopping […]
“Is this a safe place for me to share?” If you’ve been involved in a legal proceeding, you may have asked a question like this (or at least thought about it). It can feel confusing to know when you can speak openly without fear of your words being used against […]