Yesterday, the administrator of the 20 Billion dollar Gulf Oil Spill Claims Fund, Ken Feinberg, was attending town hall meetings in Fort Walton Beach, Florida and will be addressing certain affected industries in Tampa, Florida. He noted that over 70,000 people have filed for “quick claims” with the fund, an […]
Category: Environmental Disasters
The “BP Fund Czar”, Kenneth Feinberg, says his staff has been interviewing officials at “government regulatory agencies” to determine how severe the impact of the largest oil spill in the history of the United States will actually be from a long term perspective. There are at least a couple of […]
A well-site leader and BP employee testified before the US Coast Guard investigatory committee that there was a problem with a safety device on the drilling rig; he reported the problem; but drilling presumably continued in a complete disregard for any attention to the problem. Ronald Sepulvado testified that he […]
Do we have the perfect storm for an environmental catastrophe leading to an economic disaster? As the oil spill continues to grab headlines, Gulf coast leaders worry about the jobs and economic stimulus provided by the oil and gas industry. Although releasing their fury on BP over the spill and […]
Hearings have been occurring in connection with the investigation of the Deepwater Horizon explosion and the Gulf Oil Disaster. Hearings have been held in New Orleans jointly by the Coast Guard and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. Many of the revelations coming out of the testimony at the hearings […]
The Gulf Oil disaster should not be a place for political bents or muckraking – should it? I just read two articles from the Financial Post; one I take with a bit of skepticism over whether it portrays the whole story fairly and the other is, well simply unbelievable. In […]
The families of the 11 victims of the Deepwater Horizon disaster faced severe limitations on their ability to seek justice for the tragic loss of their loved ones due to the negligence of BP and others. That was the case under the law before the House passed the SPILL Act […]
“Operate to failure” is reportedly BP Oil’s instructions to employees in the operation of its oil drilling locations. Reportedly, that means BP runs equipment until it breaks down before spending any money on upkeep. This information was reported today in an article discussing the investigation of conditions existing in a […]
The Deepwater Horizon Oil Disaster that continues to dump 20,000 to 40,000 barrels of oil everyday into the Gulf poses more questions than answers. We still do not know how it happened or whether BP will pay for its reported drive for profits over safety. President Obama’s latest effort to […]
If you’ve followed the news lately, you’ve probably noticed that a number of suits have been filed in states along the Gulf, as those devastated by the British Petroleum (BP) oil spill attempt to recover for losses to their property and livelihood. Attorneys have filed suit in Birmingham, Galveston, and […]