Apple and Google, two of the technology industry’s top titans, are poised to release evolutionary software applications that will track the health data of those using them. Apple’s HealthKit and Google’s Fit will have a wide-ranging impact on how people perceive themselves, take care of their bodies and understand their […]
Category: Miscellaneous
The Food and Drug Administration is modernizing the way it reports recalls of products that pose risks to consumers. Through the development of an application programming interface, all recalls reported to the Recall Enterprise System now will be available to researchers. The development of the software is significant because hundreds […]
You can appreciate someone who gives you good advice. But, someone who makes you laugh, well, that is rare. Especially that deep belly laugh that rises up into uncontrolled laughter, tears and a belly ache when you are done. Enter, Robin Williams. Many of us would never have heard of […]
A stroll through the produce department at Publix and Winn-Dixie will reveal an assortment of fruits and vegetables from Mexico. The country is one of the United States’ largest trading partners, and the tropical goodies are a major commodity. The good news for consumers who want to ensure their proverbial […]
I can make it. I will not run the red light. Wrong. First, the light is never as long as you think it will be between the change from yellow to red. Second, the yellow light does not mean “go faster into the intersection”. The statistics are crystal clear that […]
Technological Innovations Result in Real-Time Medical Records That Engage Patients, Aid Doctors A new breed of patients are becoming intrinsically engaged, active participants in their health care thanks to a series of technological innovations aimed at enhancing medical research. Among the technological innovations: monitoring devices. Wearable computerized gadgets can track […]
More than 5 million Americans suffer from heart-valve disease. An estimated 1.5 million have aortic valve stenosis. Many patients with the dire diagnosis are fighting for their lives because of limited treatment options. Until now, the sole treatment for aortic valve stenosis was open-heart surgery. A major operation, open-heart surgery […]
Palm Beach County Initiative Provides Public Boxes for Disposing of Old Medications Did you know prescription painkillers are the most commonly abused drugs by teenagers? Did you know 2,000 youths per day try prescription pills for the first time? Did you know two-thirds of boys and girls who become addicted […]
Whether you are a friend or foe of the Hobby Lobby decision handed down by the United States Supreme Court this past Monday, citizens must know the very real and far-reaching consequences of the decision. This decision has very broad ranging effects on employer and employee rights concerning access to […]
The discovery of electronically stored information (ESI) is loaded with potential pitfalls and failure unless the parties add two components to the mix: cooperation and collaboration. Lacking those components, ESI discovery, at least sometimes, can be one of the more painful experiences for the average trial lawyer. The problem to […]