Our firm is proud to announce eight of our attorneys have been awarded Best Lawyers in America designations for 2010. Of the eight attorneys, two were named Lawyers of the Year for 2010. Christian (Chris) D Searcy was honored by being recognized as Lawyer of the Year in the area […]
Category: Miscellaneous
Much has been written recently concerning the sentencing of three youths to life without parole in what has become known as the Dunbar debate. The crime was a particularly heinous one: in a South Florida housing project, a battery of nearly a dozen youths invaded the home of a woman, […]
There has been a lot of talk about the H1N1 virus and now the H1N1 vaccine. Some say get the vaccine, some say it may be a health hazard. Who should you believe? Vaccinations began in Florida recently and continue to be available for certain at risk populations. However, doctors […]
There is certainly no shortage of tort reform crusaders who have, in their private lives, sought the assistance of trial lawyers to bring exactly the type of lawsuits that they decry in public: then-Gov. George W. Bush filing suit over a minor fender-bender involving one of his daughters in which […]
Insurance companies are always out there wringing their hands, crying poor, and accusing everyone else for high insurance rates and, oh yeah, those “frivolous lawsuits”. The truth is the insurance industry was designated as a special class of corporation over 50 years ago. This special class was caused by exempting […]
A Single vehicle automobile accident is not always what it appears to be on the surface. Typically, when an automobile crash happens involving a single car, even the police attribute it to driver error, environmental causes, or similar combination of contributing factors. Not always as simple as it seems on […]
Learning to drive is one of life’s milestones. Parents can serve an important role by encouraging teen driver safety throughout the year. Despite all of the recent and focused media attention devoted to making us all aware of the potential risks to younger people contracting the H1N1 virus, or Swine […]
This case is a tragedy about (4) young lives extinguished long before they should have been. This is also a story about a corporation that lost, destroyed and fabricated evidence in an effort to avoid liability for the death of these four young people. BNSF Railroad’s story: the four youths […]
Do we need to do a study that driving after drinking is a really bad idea? Clearly, we know that drinking and driving do not mix. Do we need to do a study that texting while driving is a bad idea? I would hope that it is not an enormous […]
In the early morning hours today, a Palm Beach County Sherriff’s Deputy was struck by a suspected drunk driver in Lake Worth. Yes, you heard correctly. I used “drunk driver” in the same sentence as “early morning”. It is our hope that the Deputy in the patrol car was not […]