Two elements of the American Dream – home ownership and the right to seek justice – have been on a collision course as home buyers fighting construction defects learn the hard way that arbitration clauses stack the deck against them. Responding, in part, to consumer outrage, both houses of Congress […]
Category: Blog
Let me first tell you that I am new to this blogging thing. I am one of the senior partners here at this firm; some would say emphasis on “senior”. I have spent the better part of my life fighting for injured victims and I now realize that my country […]
Castleberry’s Food Company has just issued a voluntary recall, on the heels of FDA warnings that their Hot Dog Chili Sauce could have ingredients in it that were not planned. The FDA is warning that four people have been hospitalized with botulism poisoning. Although the contamination of botulism in canned […]
Americans are always searching for the silver bullet, whether for weight loss, stopping smoking, or, in this case, curing cancer. After what is described as “the most rigorous study ever,” a prominent vitamin D researcher at the University of California-San Diego has announced that vitamin D cuts the risk of […]
China has certainly suffered its share of setbacks in the export of products to the rest of the world. They have allowed tainted toothpaste to leave their country and deadly dog & cat food to be exported. Most recently, it was discovered that Chinese tires were manufactured without including the […]
Congress is currently working on legislation which would grant the Food and Drug Administration power to regulate to the production of “safer” cigarettes. The bill would grant the FDA the power to oversee the production of cigarettes and require manufacturers to report the specific components of cigarettes and to seek […]
As Florida authorities struggle with keeping drivers with dementia off the roads, one courageous drug research project is exploring helping Alzheimer’s patients maintain their driving privileges for a longer period of time. The rationale makes sense: senior citizens who must give up driving give up their independence, and for many, […]
A trial that began June 11 in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims in Washington, DC pits 4800 families of children with autism, the plaintiffs, against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This first of nine test cases promises to become a landmark debate about the causes of […]
It has been done in Mississippi, Florida, and in New Brunswick, Canada. Governmental bodies have finally realized that if they have a cause of action, involving complex litigation, why pay exorbitant hourly fees? Instead, why not hire plaintiff oriented firms who are skilled in working under contingent fee arrangements? Why […]
First, American pet owners discovered suddenly and tragically that pet foods manufactured in China contained melamine particles that sickened and even killed cats and dogs in the U.S. Next, we learned that other suspicious foods and health products were being imported from China – foods and products that endangered human […]