According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major cause of death and disability in the United States. From 2006 to 2014, the number of TBI-related emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and deaths increased by 53%. In 2014, an average of 155 people […]
Category: Personal Injury
Industrial accidents can range from relatively minor to extremely damaging in terms of human suffering and property damage. Most modern companies are aware of the potential devastation caused by industrial accidents, and they take precautionary measures to prevent them. If you have been injured in an industrial accident in Florida, […]
The Florida Turnpike system operates throughout Florida and delivers drivers to various locations throughout the state. Much of the turnpike system consists of toll roads; drivers can purchase a SunPass that they can use to quickly navigate through the tolls at a relatively low cost. Florida has over 460 miles […]
It’s not uncommon to speak with regular folks who cringe at the idea of calling a lawyer, especially those who have never actually hired a lawyer. To some extent, they have been consciously or even subconsciously programmed to assume that a lawyer will automatically drain their savings, ignore them, and […]
On TV, the lawyers on the popular legal shows are usually shown in a courthouse, ferociously arguing a case for their client, and, eventually, saving the day for the good guy (i.e., their client) through intelligent arguments and skillful manipulation of the jury. In fact, even “trial” lawyers spend very […]
Clients often want to know: “What is the difference between a civil trial attorney and a board-certified civil trial attorney?” Or, simply: “What’s the difference between a lawyer and a board-certified lawyer?” If you need the experience of a board-certified attorney, call a Florida personal injury lawyer at Searcy Denney […]
If you’ve been involved in a car accident, you are likely experiencing a wide variety of emotions, depending on how recently the accident happened, how badly anyone was injured, and whose fault the accident was. In the immediate aftermath, you probably felt varying degrees of fear, anger, and relief. If […]
The Legal Information Institute at Cornell has defined “pain and suffering” as “[t]he physical or emotional distress resulting from an injury.” In a personal injury lawsuit, the amount of money for pain and suffering is awarded separately from typical damages, such as loss of income and medical expenses. If you […]
The following Halloween statistics from Protect America are quite unfortunate and alarming: Children are twice as likely to be killed in traffic accidents on Halloween 63% of children don’t carry a flashlight while trick-or-treating 70% of parents do not accompany their children while trick-or-treating There are 3,800 Halloween-related injuries every […]
According to Florida Bar Ethics Opinion 00-2, issued on July 15, 2000, but is not binding, “An attorney should not participate in a settlement arrangement in which an insurance company pays the settlement directly into an account in the client’s name. Such an arrangement circumvents the trust accounting rules, an […]