Have you ever felt nervous driving down the interstate when you had to pass a semi? Or worse yet, pass between two semis? Well, your raised blood pressure while driving in this scenario is probably justified. More than 19,500 accidents every year in Florida involve commercial vehicles. Across the United […]
Category: Trucking Accidents
You have seen it. You have dodged it and… You have been nearly injured by it. Dangerous road debris on I95 and other major roadways. It is dangerous to drivers and as 22-year-old Holden Armory has learned the hard way, road debris can be nearly lethal. This young, talented musician […]
Those involved in trucking litigation have become all too familiar with catastrophic injury and loss of life resulting from 18 wheelers (tractor trailers) being operated by drivers impaired by chronic fatigue. Why do we continue to see this problem? In the case of a professional commercial truck driver who rear […]
As the holidays approach, AAA has reported that over 95 million Americans will hit the road, traveling long distances to visit friends and family. Office parties, neighborhood get-togethers, parades, and holiday sales are all fun events that result in Americans taking to their vehicles with greater frequency than usual. However, […]
There are few things more disturbing when traveling on Americas highways than passing by a horrible accident scene involving an 18 wheeler. The images of a minivan, crushed and twisted to the point of being barely recognizable is burned into our minds, never to be forgotten. We don’t know the […]
As I approached the two “18 wheelers” this morning, one in the lane to my right and the other in the lane to my left; I must confess trepidation. You understand, splitting two semi-tractor trailers is unnerving. But I have done it before. No big deal. Until I looked up […]
Across the interstates and highways of America, trucking accidents are happening at an alarming rate. Unfortunately, many of these fatal collisions are avoidable. Errors due to fatigue, texting, and driver impairment are frequently found to be the causes of these collisions. For instance, actor and comedian Tracy Morgan was recently […]
The latest cell-phone statistics are in, and they don’t bode well for drivers. The National Safety Council has reported vehicle crashes that involve the use of mobile devices by motorists have increased for the third consecutive year. About 27 percent of all accidents on the road occur when drivers are […]
Having punitive damages imposed against a trucking company is often a source of great anxiety for defense attorneys and their trucking company clients. Florida attorneys skilled in the handling of truck accident cases have developed the knowledge to know when punitive damages are warranted in a given case. Punitive damages […]
How many times have you been driving down the road and had a semi unexpectedly come into your lane of travel? I suppose we all know to be on our toes when we’re passing trucks on the highways, but you may have wondered why this happens and also why it […]