Do I Need a Trial Lawyer for My Florida Personal Injury Lawsuit?
On TV, the lawyers on the popular legal shows are usually shown in a courthouse, ferociously arguing a case for their client, and, eventually, saving the day for the good guy (i.e., their client) through intelligent arguments and skillful manipulation of the jury.
In fact, even “trial” lawyers spend very little time in the courtroom. Lawyers often build up their evidence and develop their arguments to gain leverage or bargaining power for a settlement. Unfortunately, too often, lawyers on a contingency fee arrangement will simply seek a quick settlement, in an amount that is objectively too little for the client’s damages, to collect their fees without putting in too many hours.
Nonetheless, good lawyers are not committed to any particular preset outcome; instead, they are committed to doing what’s best for any specific client, each of whom comes to the table with a unique set of circumstances. If you need a trial attorney that will look after your best interests instead of their own, call our Florida personal injury lawyers for help.
Why Do I Need a Florida Trial Attorney to Handle My Case?
Like the Florida personal injury lawyers at our firm, trial attorneys are experienced with the complicated process of handling a personal injury claim. They understand the law, analyze the particular facts of your case, are experienced negotiators, and understand and wield the leverage provided by the facts.
Although not every set of circumstances requires a lawyer, you should at least consider taking advantage of Searcy Denney’s free consultation in cases such as these:
- You Suffered a Serious Injury or Permanent Disability. Under these circumstances, you cannot afford to gamble when a lifetime of pain, suffering, and bills are on the line.
- You Aren’t Sure Who Is At Fault. Under these circumstances, you should consult with an attorney. The other party will always try to blame you for damages, and an attorney will help protect your rights from the onset.
- You Need Your Settlement Money Quickly. Lawyers are professional negotiators. If you need your settlement money as quickly as possible, your lawyer can negotiate with the defendants in such a way as to settle quickly yet still obtain an amount of money that is at least close to what you would receive if the settlement negotiations were drawn out.
- You Need the Highest Settlement Amount for Your Claim. On the other hand, if you’re in no hurry to settle and the settlement amount is your highest priority, your lawyer can negotiate in a way that achieves this goal.
- There Are Multiple Parties Involved. Under these circumstances, consulting with a personal injury lawyer will give you the best chance of avoiding liability for all of the damages.
- The Insurance Company is Denying, Delaying, or Undervaluing Your Claim. Insurance companies know that most people do not understand the laws and procedures in a personal injury claim. They, therefore, will often use this advantage to deny or undervalue a legitimate personal injury claim.
Contact Our Skilled Florida Personal Injury Lawyers Today
Don’t be seduced by the biggest billboards or the fanciest commercials when selecting a personal injury attorney. If you have been injured, contact the Florida personal injury lawyers at Searcy Denney for a free consultation. We work on a contingency fee basis, which means you pay nothing if you don’t recover. Contact us online today for help.
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