Men dressed in black cloaks secreting through the night from one house to another. Their mission: to buy off residents. To purchase rights away from widows and orphans.
This sounds more like a movie and less like real life.
When I first heard stories that BP officials were traveling around and trying to exchange releases for “cash”, my first response was that I did not believe it. I mean it’s the 21st century, right? Companies don’t really think it is acceptable to try the shady character on the corner, “hey buddy” dodge, right?
I guess BP did not get the memo about avoiding the appearance of being really shady characters after you dump thousands of gallons of oil into one of the most treasured bodies of water on the planet.
Well, my very fragile faith in the responsibility of Corporate America has been wracked — ’cause it is true!
Apparently, BP employees were traveling around trying to get waivers of liability against the company in exchange for payments of up to $5000. What is possibly more despicable is that reports seem to indicate that the BP “black cloaks” are targeting fisherman. The very people who stand to be hurt, in many respects, the very worst, are the people BP targets first.
Sorry “Black Cloak” BP guys, if you did this, it is despicable and you should be ashamed. Announcing that BP would not hold anyone to releases they signed, after you were caught trying to take advantage, does not somehow make it any more unseemly.
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