You wouldn’t let your toddler play in a busy street. That’s just good common sense that you already know. However, if you’re in a more precarious position—perhaps you’re pregnant and depressed—you need expert guidance you can trust to keep you healthy and your baby out of danger. You should be […]
Let’s say you want to form a committee to evaluate the safety of a drug; say for example the drugs Yaz, Ocella and Yasmin. You begin by looking for people who are “experts” about the drug, the ingredients in the drug and the use of the drug. You find 26 […]
Newt Gingrich has, over the years, allowed his mouth to engage before he placed his brain in gear. “Hypocrisy can afford to be magnificent in its promises, for never intending to go beyond promise, it costs nothing.” Edmund Burke. His recent comments about hauling judges into congress, arresting judges who […]
I have written recently about the “Santa Claus of Bikes”: Jack Hairston. Our firm and many of our employees were a part of the Jack the Bikeman experience on Sunday. Jack was successful in putting bikes in the hands of nearly 800 kids. By the time we had finished, few […]
Big Tobacco has recently agreed to pay over $6 million to settle claims with the US Department of Justice. A summary of the conduct causing the $6 million payment? US district Court Judge Gladys Kessler, after hearing mountains of evidence, says this about the tobacco corporations: They lied. They misrepresented […]
It is a part of the Florida Constitution. It seemed fair to patients. With hospitals and doctors claiming the medical negligence problem was over blown, Florida Section 25, “Patients’ right to know about adverse medical incidents”, seemed like a common sense and fair law. Read it. It is not very […]
Florida medical malpractice statutes are a great deal about procedure and less about substance. As in many states, Florida citizens have suffered the removal of legal rights under Florida’s medical malpractice laws by legislators with specific agendas other than the improvement of citizens’ lives. More often, business and insurance lobbies […]
Corporate America needs protection from trial lawyers!? So goes the tort reform mantra. Trial lawyers are victimizing corporations; which is causing job loss; which is ruining the economy; which is leading to higher prices; which is causing Wall Street uncertainty; which is leading to all around chaos. I have worked […]
There are so many things for which I am thankful. I am thankful to have a wonderful wife who is the very best part of me. I am thankful for my “children” – a combination of 2 lovable mutts and 4 cats (who I have grown to like). I am […]
Increase your possibility for blood clots – take Yaz birth control. That would be bare truth in advertising were Bayer AG willing to be honest about its block buster contraceptive medication that generated over $1.5.8 billion in sales last year. Another truth in advertising for the Yaz drug maker? We […]