Car accidents can involve all types of circumstances. While many accidents involve collisions between moving vehicles, accidents involving stopped vehicles are common as well. If you were in a car accident with a stopped vehicle, it is important to make sure you know what to do next. These accidents are […]
Stem cell therapy is a cutting-edge form of therapy that may offer new medical treatments. Stem cells are being used in this new therapy to attempt to treat various types of diseases and injuries. However, because this therapy is so new it is subject to much debate and controversy. Before […]
As a driver, losing control of your vehicle unexpectedly can be both terrifying and extremely dangerous. Unfortunately, even with today’s modern vehicles, mechanical failures are not uncommon. These failures can happen anywhere and anytime—and, when they do, the consequences can be devastating. If you have been seriously injured in a […]
Stem cell therapy is promoted with bells and whistles by some clinics offering this expensive treatment as a trailblazing and cutting edge form of therapy that may offer magical healing to patients with a variety of different health conditions such as patients with organ failure, a cancer diagnosis, or spinal […]
Searcy Denney Scarola Barnhart & Shipley Law Firm Named “Best Law Firm” 2023 by US News Best Lawyers
NOVEMBER 8, 2022—W. PALM BEACH, FL—Searcy Denney Scarola Barnhart & Shipley PA has been recognized as a US News – Best Lawyers “Best Law Firm” 2023. For the 13th consecutive year, “Best Lawyers” has awarded the distinction of “Best Law Firm” to the most elite and talented firms across the country following a thorough and […]
Stem cell therapy and other forms of regenerative medicine promise to cure everything from aging to Zika virus—if the ads can be believed. Unfortunately, many unscrupulous practitioners are taking large sums of money for worthless treatments. What is even worse, is that all too often, patients suffer serious harm due […]
When seeking financial compensation after a car accident, it is important to have as much evidence as possible. While this evidence can take many forms—and while you will need a lawyer to collect many forms of evidence for you—you can help your case by taking lots of photos at the […]
In our previous blog, we provided you with a quick explainer about the Camp Lejeune Justice Act (“CLJA”) and how it became effective on August 10, 2022. If you have been following the news, you probably have seen or heard about this horrific toxic water contamination at Camp Lejeune and […]
Parking lot crashes are extremely common. According to data from the National Safety Council (NSC) and CBS News, approximately 20 percent of all car accidents occur in parking lots. While many of these accidents are fairly minor—resulting in property damage only—the NSC reports that as many as 60,000 people get […]
Rollovers are among the most dangerous types of car accidents. While only about three percent of all car accidents are rollovers, these accidents count for about thirty-three percent of all car accident fatalities. This is according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, which also reports that, “[a]lthough most rollovers […]