Support Your Local Firefighter — Boot Drive for Muscular Dystrophy
The Fall Season is upon us and because that also includes elections this year, we may lose track of the really important things to which we should pay attention.
It’s that time of the year when the Professional Firefighters and Paramedics of Palm Beach County start their annual boot drive to raise money for muscular dystrophy.
Muscular dystrophy is a devastating disease that affects children and adults. There are many subtypes of this disease and symptoms vary making it often very difficult to diagnose. There is no known cure for this disease at this time but with money for research in no small part due to the efforts of dedicated individuals such as our firefighters and paramedics a cure may be found and benefit future generations.
So, when you see the boots in our community, please remember it’s not how much you give; since every penny counts in fighting this devastating illness. There are over a quarter of a million kids and adults living with this disease so chances are you may know someone who has it or who may develop it.
For more information on muscular dystrophy see web sites below:
US National Library of Medicine
Muscular Dystrophy Association
Teens Health and Muscular Dystrophy
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