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Product Liability

Our Tallahassee Product Liability Lawyers Win Billions of Dollars of  Compensation for Our Clients.

From vehicle components to medical devices, millions of products are recalled each year. However, far more defective products aren’t recalled, and these products are responsible for an untold number of accidents and injuries. Regardless of whether the product that harmed you or your loved one was recalled, you have important legal rights, and it is important that you discuss these rights with skilled Tallahassee product liability lawyers as soon as possible.

Personal injury claims involving defective products are governed by the law of “product liability.” Under Florida’s product liability law (and the laws of other states), proof of negligence is not required in order to file a successful claim. If the evidence shows that a defective product is to blame for your injury or your loved one’s death, it is not necessary to show that the company that made or sold the product knew (or should have known) about the defect. Product liability laws are designed to protect consumers, and they hold companies “strictly liable” for putting dangerous products on store shelves and on the roads.

Product Liability Lawyers with a Nationwide Reputation

At Searcy Denney, our product liability practice is recognized nationwide, and many of our Tallahassee product liability lawyers are considered leaders in the field. We have led several high-profile mass tort and class action product liability cases, including the $1 billion national Stryker hip replacement settlement, and we have successfully represented numerous Florida residents in individual lawsuits against product designers, manufacturers, and retailers. 

Product liability lawsuits present unique challenges. While proof of negligence is not required, it can still be extremely difficult to gather the evidence needed in order to prove that a product is defective. In addition, since it is rare for a single product to be defective (a design defect or manufacturing flaw is more likely to affect thousands or millions of products), companies tend to aggressively dispute all product liability claims. Despite these challenges, our firm has still amassed a substantial record of success, and we continue to fight for clients in Tallahassee, throughout Florida, and nationwide. 

More Than 40 Years of Experience Winning Florida Product Liability Cases

Our personal injury firm has been successfully representing clients in product liability cases for more than 45 years, and we are proud of our deep roots in the Tallahassee area. Contact us today to learn how we use our experience to secure just compensation for clients in cases involving:


We have significant experience representing clients in product liability cases involving aviation accidents. We handle cases involving defects that cause accidents (such as tire and engine failures) as well as cases involving defects that cause accident-related injuries (such as defective seatbelts and overhead compartment latches). 


Defective automobile components are to blame for an alarming number of single-vehicle and multi-vehicle collisions. We handle traditional auto accident litigation as well as product defect litigation involving cars, trucks, vans, motorcycles, and SUVs.

Children’s Furniture and Toys 

Designers and manufacturers of children’s furniture and toys often fail to give due consideration to the safety risks involved with the products they sell. We handle cases involving all types of child-related products, from cribs and beds to motorized and non-motorized children’s bikes and vehicles. 

Construction Tools and Equipment 

Construction tools and equipment must work safely in order to avoid exposing workers to the risk of serious and fatal injuries. Defective ladders, scaffolding, power tools, forklifts, safety equipment, and other products are responsible for an alarming number of construction site accidents each year.

Electronic Devices 

From tablets to “hoverboards,” and from e-cigarettes to smart devices for the home, defective electronic devices can cause burns, eye and facial injuries, and various other severe forms of trauma. We handle product liability cases against electronics companies throughout the United States and around the world. 

Household Products 

Household products, including cleaners, appliances and building materials, can cause severe injuries without warning. We handle cases involving dangerous consumer products as well as dangerous building materials and construction defects. 

Landscaping Equipment 

Whether you are a professional landscaper or you use a mower, weed whacker, edger or other landscaping equipment to take care of your own home, if you were injured because a piece of equipment did not work as you expected, you may be entitled to financial compensation for a product defect. 

Medical Devices 

In addition to our $1 billion Stryker hip replacement settlement, we have successfully handled numerous other cases involving a variety of types of external and implanted medical devices. This includes (but is not limited to) cases involving knee implants, defibrillators (or “pacemakers”), birth control devices (including IUDs), and blood clot filters. 


We also have extensive experience in cases involving defective drugs. While design and manufacturing defects are to blame for a significant percentage of cases involving defective medications, many cases also involve defective medication labeling and inadequate warnings about side effects and negative drug interactions.

Playground Equipment 

Similar to children’s furniture and toys, issues with defective playground equipment can lead to unexpected and tragic accidents as well. We handle cases involving all types of playground accidents, including trips, falls, choking and suffocations, concussions and other traumatic brain injuries (TBI), spinal cord injuries, and crushing and pinching of limbs. 

Small Appliances 

Fires, electrocutions, and other accidents involving small appliances can cause severe injuries. We handle cases against design firms, appliance manufacturers, and retailers involving defects ranging from unstable design to faulty wiring. 

What to Do if You are Injured by a Defective Product

Every situation is unique, but there are some general steps you should take to protect yourself if a defective product harms you. First, take care of yourself. See a doctor as soon as possible and follow medical advice. A thorough examination can not only help you physically, but it can also provide evidence for a product liability claim.

Second, be sure to hang onto the defective product, if possible, and keep any packaging that you have. Even broken pieces and receipts could be important later.

Third, document the problem and the injuries caused. Take pictures, write notes, and talk to any witnesses. All these steps can provide valuable evidence to show that someone should be held liable for the harm caused by the defective product.

Finally, schedule a consultation with Tallahassee product liability lawyers. Attorneys experienced in handling cases with defective products could advise you of the next steps to take to preserve your claim.

Contact the Tallahassee Product Liability Lawyers at Searcy Denney

If you are entitled to financial compensation for a product defect, hiring an established law firm with a proven track record is your first step on the road to recovery. At Searcy Denney, we provide comprehensive free initial consultations, and we do not charge any fees or costs unless we win just compensation. To speak with one of our experienced Tallahassee product liability lawyers about your case in confidence, please call 800-780-8607 or tell us what happened online today.

Product Liability FAQs

What is a Product Liability Claim? 

When you experience an injury or illness due to a defective or otherwise unsafe product, you are entitled to recover compensation for the costs and damages linked to your injury or illness through a product liability claim. 

How Do I File a Product Liability Claim? 

The process begins by identifying the party responsible for the defective product injury. Were you injured by a product that malfunctioned and injured you? Often, the manufacturer of the product, and sometimes the retailer that sold it to you, could be liable for your damages. Your claim is usually filed with the insurance company of the party responsible for your injuries, which will put a team of lawyers and claim analysts to work to reduce or deny your claim if they can. 

What Damages Am I Entitled To? 

A product liability claim is meant to recover damages for your personal injury. Personal injury claims generally include compensation for present and future medical costs and present and future lost wages and earnings potential. In some situations, compensation for pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment of life are also available. 

How Much Are My Damages Worth? 

You can only collect damages that you can prove with evidence, and the evidence will determine what your damages are worth. If all you have is an emergency room bill for evidence, that is all you collect. Alternatively, if you visited a medical professional scheduled for you by your lawyer after the accident who measured the lifetime costs of your injury, then that amount can also be pursued. 

Will I Collect the Full Amount I Deserve If I File the Claim on My Own? 

Determining the full amount you deserve requires applying the law, the outcome of similar cases, and the norms of personal injury legal practice to the unique facts and circumstances of your accident. This requires understanding the law, the rules of evidence, how to draft successful personal injury claims, and how to negotiate with the insurance company and their lawyers. 

The best way to ensure that you completely and accurately measure the damages linked to your injuries is by working with a product liability lawyer with experience helping injured clients win cases in the courtrooms of your area. 

When Should I Contact a Product Liability Lawyer? 

The best time to contact a product liability lawyer is as soon as possible after you have received emergency medical care for your injuries. We’ll determine if your case is one that we can help on, and if we take it we’ll immediately take over the entire process. With an attorney by your side, you can focus on recovering from your injuries while we focus on recovering the full amount possible on your claim. 

Can I Afford a Lawyer? 

Your initial consultation is free, and we only get paid if we win on your case. Give us a call at 888-549-7011, or visit our site to schedule a consultation to learn how we can help.  

Hear What Our Clients Have To Say

"Nick DeBellis obtained the maximum recovery of full insurance limits in the case we worked on. He is a true professional and recommend him to anyone in South Florida."
Posted By: Michael Geoffroy