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What Percentage Do Personal Injury Attorneys Get?


Many Floridians fear litigation because they believe it will cost them money. They’ve heard stories about how the expense of taking a matter to court and assume they can’t afford to fight for their legal rights. 

The Florida personal injury lawyers at Searcy Denney work on a contingency fee basis, which means that you, as the plaintiff, are not responsible for litigation fees and never pay your lawyer anything unless they are successful in recovering monies for you.

Sometimes, contingency fee attorneys are also known as “no-win, no-pay” lawyers. Without this fee structure, most Floridians would be unable to pay for injuries that are not their fault.

About Contingency Fees

When a lawyer or law firm works on a contingency fee basis, it means that if the law firm fails to recover money for you (either through trial or settlement) then you don’t have to pay anything. The contingency fee attorney charges only a percentage of the money they recover for you. So, if you are injured, you can avoid the out-of-pocket expense of a potential lawsuit, and the added benefit is that contingency fee attorneys have “skin in the game,” which motivates them to obtain the highest reward possible as quickly as they can.

Contingency fee structures are a high-risk proposition for the attorneys, ensuring they put in the work to earn a fair settlement for clients. Most types of attorneys can operate on a contingency fee basis, but only for civil matters. Criminal courts do not allow this type of contingency fee arrangement.

There are some attorneys in Florida who work on a hybrid-fee basis, which means they will charge a certain amount on a reduced hourly basis or with an hourly rate cap, along with a smaller percentage of the damages awarded. 

About Contingency Fee Attorneys

As a client, there are certain factors to consider when hiring a contingency fee attorney:

  • The Attorney’s Standing. As a matter of common sense, take a few minutes to look up your potential attorney on your state’s bar website to be sure they are in good standing. The Florida state bar can be reached here
  • Initial Consultation Fees. Most attorneys, including the Florida personal injury lawyers at Searcy Denney, do not charge for an initial consultation, nor should they. The initial consultation is where you collect the information you need to decide whether or not to hire the attorney.
  • Actual Representation. It’s a good idea to ask exactly which attorney or attorneys will handle your case. The more experience the attorney has, the better your chances of winning are.
  • What Is the Time Frame? You should get a general idea of how quickly the attorney will start on your case and what the realistic overall time frame is. This will help you understand your realistic expectations.
  • Fees. You should leave your initial consultation with a very clear idea of all fees and expenses that will be subtracted from your recovery amount.
  • Your Involvement. Be sure to gain a clear understanding of what will be expected from you, and how much time you will be expected to contribute. There are some aspects of any case that require your involvement.

Let The Florida Personal Injury Lawyers at Searcy Denney Help You With Your Personal Injury Claim

If you need a contingency fee attorney, the Florida personal injury lawyers at Searcy Denney can help. Contact us online today.

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