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Who Can be Held Liable in a DUI Car Accident

Car Accidents

Man driving under the influence

A Fort Walton Beach DUI Car Accident Attorney Can Help Hold All Parties Accountable

In a DUI car accident, it is pretty clear that the drunk driver bears at least some of the blame for causing the collision. We say some because it’s not necessarily true that the driver would take all responsibility for the crash. Other individuals or companies may share in the liability. A seasoned Fort Walton Beach auto accident attorney can review the circumstances, determine which parties may also be held responsible, and work to ensure that you, the accident victim, receives fair compensation from those involved. Contact us today if you believe you have a claim.

A Fort Walton Beach DUI Car Accident Attorney Could Show That Those Who Served the Alcohol May Be Liable

If the driver who caused the accident was drinking at a bar, having wine with dinner at a restaurant, or even enjoying cocktails at a friend’s house, it might be possible to hold the establishment or party host liable. It all depends on the circumstances.

Florida’s “dram shop” laws protect bars from liability in some situations but specifically provide for accountability in other circumstances. Under §768.125 of the Florida code, establishments that serve alcohol may be held responsible for injuries or damage caused by their patrons if they sell to someone underaged or sell to someone who is considered “habitually addicted” to alcohol.

Social hosts may be liable in similar situations. An auto accident attorney in Fort Walton could seek evidence to show that the person serving the drinks knew that they were providing alcohol to someone with a known addiction or who was not of legal drinking age.

In Some Cases, a Florida Employer May Be Held Liable for DUI Accidents Caused by Their Employees

Another situation where a DUI accident victim may recover damages from someone other than the driver is when the driver uses a company car or drives their own vehicle on company business. In this type of situation, it is essential to collect evidence to show what the employee was doing at the time of the accident and about the employer’s policy regarding the use of company vehicles. It is important to prove a connection between the employer and the driver’s conduct.

If you work with our firm, our Fort Walton Beach auto accident attorney will investigate whether an employee was operating in the scope of employment or whether the employee’s use of a vehicle was permitted under company policies. In such cases, an employer could be held liable for harm caused by their intoxicated employee.

Learn More About DUI Liability From Our Fort Walton Beach DUI Car Accident Attorney

DUI car accidents can have devastating effects on accident victims and their families. It is important to hold all those responsible fully accountable for their actions to prevent similar tragedies in the future.

If you suffered injuries in a DUI-related accident, you owe it to yourself to talk to a Fort Walton Beach auto accident attorney to learn about your options for recovery. Contact us online or call us today at 888-549-7011.

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"Nick DeBellis obtained the maximum recovery of full insurance limits in the case we worked on. He is a true professional and recommend him to anyone in South Florida."
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